• 278 friends
    • 82 reviews

    Maybe someone on here has dealt with this issue.

    My neighbors have TOLD us not to park on the street in front of their house, even though it is a public street.

    They own the house next door to the house that we rent in North Park, and the one guy has harassed my roommate twice about this issue. She explained to him that we do try not to park there but that sometimes we have to and that they park their Navigator in front of our house and it is a public street.

    There is usually no problem for us to only park in front of our house (three cars), but once in a while there are other cars parked there so the only free spot nearby is in front of their house.

    But the bigger issue is that it is a PUBLIC STREET, and it makes me mad that they think they can tell us where to park. It makes me even madder that they are bullying my roommate about it.

    It's not very hard for my roommates and I to avoid parking there, but it is pretty annoying to have to tell guests where they can and can't park (not that we have guests very often).

    I wonder if there is a law that says you can't tell your neighbors where to park on a public street. It seems to me that there should be such a law.

    I'm planning to call my landlord since I think he is friends with the neighbors.

    • 40 friends
    • 9 reviews

    As you said, its PUBLIC!

    • 378 friends
    • 652 reviews

    Is there an HOA involved? The CC&Rs might have something there that says they can.

    Also, are the vehicles typically there for more than three days? If so, then they are able to request removal. The parking enforcement people come out, tag the vehicle and then remove three days after that. My mom calls it on people all the time.

    • 225 friends
    • 47 reviews

    Park were ever you need to.  Try not to get into any confrontation about it.  If you do, stick with "it's a public street". Don't apologize for parking there (it only reinforces their conviction). If it escalates, vandalism etc., you sue.

    • 225 friends
    • 47 reviews

    were = where

    [coffee not working yet]

    • 149 friends
    • 140 reviews

    Public street is public.  Fuck 'em.

    • 328 friends
    • 337 reviews

    flaming bag of poo on their door step?

  1. My neighbors have 8 cars and I have 3.  They refuse to park in their own driveway for some reason so they hog all the parking on the street.  It's irritating as hell but I can't do anything about it either.  Public parking.  

    Tell your neighbor that even though it's a public street you always make an effort to park in front of your own house.  But if it's the only close spot left then that's where you are gonna park.  Period.

    • 138 friends
    • 358 reviews

    Sounds like your neighbor is just territorial.  I wouldn't worry about it, as long as no one starts damaging your property or person.  My parents were/are the same way about people parking in front of their house, never made any sense to me.

    • 4 friends
    • 15 reviews

    The law states that any registered vehicle that can move forward and backwards under the engines power can be legally parked on ANY street unless there are signs stating otherwise. The only real law is that you cannot block their driveway or mailbox.

    I had this same issue with my neighbor. I used to have to remind him constantly that I understood it was considerate to park in front of your own property but sometimes that is not feasible.

    And If all else fails I would go with Anthony's"s idea. Just don't call the shit poop.

    • 48 friends
    • 67 reviews

    Park in front of his house all the time - if he's gonna be a dick, at least try to earn it.

    • 958 friends
    • 400 reviews

    But the bigger issue is that it is a PUBLIC STREET, and it makes me mad that they think they can tell us where to park. It makes me even madder that they are bullying my roommate about it.
    Man...this is really annoying.

    I suggest you DO call your landlord. Maybe he can cheerfully remind them of the fact that it's a PUBLIC curb.

    • 603 friends
    • 262 reviews

    To your neighbor: "Hey, I just asked a cop if you have the right to reserve a parking spot on a public street and he said no. If you disagree, I can call him to come over so you can try to convince him that he's wrong."

    • 16 friends
    • 7 reviews

    Charlie the answer is obvious, park wherever you want.  This is America!  If they continue to bother you about it Fluffy just laid out a good "crop" that I would be more than willing to come over and place under said vehicles door handles :)

    • 88 friends
    • 111 reviews

    I like Jason B's answer.  How about this:

    "Lady, shut the fuck up."

    • 3 friends
    • 0 reviews

    is there a law??? who cares, be a man and tell this neighbor to suck a dick. I would park in front of his house  on purpose.

    • 958 friends
    • 400 reviews

    I had a neighbor with the same overreaching sense of entitlement. Kooks like this exist everywhere.

    There is no way in hell that I would bow down to this piggish-ness.

    • 958 friends
    • 400 reviews

    Tom "The Truth Hurts" T. says:

    is there a law??? who cares, be a man and tell this neighbor to suck a dick. I would park in front of his house  on purpose.

    But here's another thought...you don't need this fool placing nails on the payment behind your tires...keying your paint...you get the picture.

    I would contact your landlord  i m m e d i a t e l y .

    • 958 friends
    • 400 reviews

    Jason B. says:

    To your neighbor: "Hey, I just asked a cop if you have the right to reserve a parking spot on a public street and he said no. If you disagree, I can call him to come over so you can try to convince him that he's wrong."
    Hmmmm....I do kinda like this one.

    • 603 friends
    • 262 reviews

    King Diamond is right - park in front of the house on purpose.

    • 138 friends
    • 115 reviews

    As tempting as it is to retaliate against a bully, don't do it.  I've seen these things escalate to some ugly situations and you never know what sorts of crazies you're dealing with nowadays.  

    Be the bigger person and just gain satisfaction from knowing that you aren't doing anything wrong.  You do your best to not park in front of your neighbor, it's a public street, and it sounds like you've been nothing but courteous to this person even though he harrasses you/your roomate AND it sounds like they aren't even trying to stick to their own rules (parking their Nav in front of other properties) .  Notify your landlord of everything that's happened to date, if harrassment continues, notify the police and keep a record.  If the neighbor confronts you, give them the facts in as reasonable of a tone as you can muster and move on.  The more you keep your cool, the more unreasonable your bully looks/sounds if witnesses/your landlord/the police ever get involved - that's enough revenge in itself.  

    Good luck!

    • 340 friends
    • 87 reviews

    Roxannna and Alisa hit the nail on the head....  smother them with kindness, tell them you understand... remember; they are crazy and know where you live and what you drive.... unless  you are prepared to get in on the craziness and step it up from whatever their crazy minds tell them to do, it is not worth it....

  2. Charlie, you should complain to HQ or PM Ruggy.  I hear they can handle bullies.

    • 2 friends
    • 0 reviews

    I am the roommate who the neighbors keep talking to.
    I have to agree with Roxanna.
    I was very polite to them both times they confronted me. I generally try to kill with kindness until I am pushed to far, Then a bit of the bitch comes out.
    The second time I just kept telling them that we have all been making an effort not to park in front of their house, despite how annoying it is when the Navigator is parked in front of ours. I told them that it is a public street, however I do understand their frustrations. Generally, everyone parks in front of their own house, but even their Navigator knows that is not always possible.
    He just kept going on and on about it. Saying how us Renters aren't being fair to the Homeowners, and how we CHOSE to rent on a crowded street and complaining about how many cars we have. We park, at most, one more car than them on the street, AND they rent out a level of their house!
    They are just annoying.
    All we can do is be the bigger people and continue to not park in front of their house. It just really sucks when you are carrying a lot of stuff!!

    And that neighbor guy is grumpy and mean. And I think he thinks he can bully me. I dont like him!!!

    • 174 friends
    • 10 reviews

    A law that says you can't tell your neighbors not to do it?  Sorry but that makes you sound like a complete wuss.  Make it clear that you'll park there if you have to and just let the dude deal with it.  Even if he's a huge asshole he will get over it eventually.  Just stand your ground, laddy.

    • 2 friends
    • 690 reviews

    punch him in his motherfucking throat.

    • 171 friends
    • 14 reviews

    Just live your life.  If he escalates or makes threats, call the cops.

    • 2 friends
    • 690 reviews

    Oh Mel, that's the SMART thing to do....  wouldn't it be more fun to watch him gasp for air through a collapsed trachea?

    • 186 friends
    • 167 reviews

    Man there are a lot of entitled assholes in this world.  I say park where you want/need to.  Fuck 'em.  I'd be pleasant but pretty much ignore them.  People park in front of my house every day.  I only get pissed when they are too close (over) the driveway path since my drive is very narrow and difficult to get into because of a fence and a wall on either side.

  3. Lugz, I am with you.  

    anyhow idiots claiming public property as "their" own aren't playing with a full deck. park where you want and take pictures of your car with a camera or cell phone that time stamps it. This way if the psycho goes bat shit, you have proof.

    • 240 friends
    • 98 reviews
    • 120 friends
    • 250 reviews

    Park where you want to park. If you get too much flack about it, some Liquid Ass in their cars' air intake vents (at the base of the windshields) should give them a fun ride. liquidass.com

  4. Oooh I like when Marie gets feisty!  Rawr!

    • 1355 friends
    • 470 reviews

    oooh, I want the streaming tip

    • 958 friends
    • 400 reviews

    He just kept going on and on about it. Saying how us Renters aren't being fair to the Homeowners, and how we CHOSE to rent on a crowded street and complaining about how many cars we have. We park, at most, one more car than them on the street, AND they rent out a level of their house!
    He can go to hell.

    1) Park wherever you'd like. Just be sure you don't hang over into his driveway.

    2) IMMEDIATELY: Contact your landlord. This creep = destroying your quiet enjoyment of your property. I would suggest Charlie be the one to make the call. Assertiveness is needed here.

    Perhaps Charlie can explain to your landlord that he's considering other options....like say...if the guy seems assaultive  over this...contacting the police.

    3) He may

    • 958 friends
    • 400 reviews

    Good point Ace. We need Dale!

    • 238 friends
    • 17 reviews

    This sounds like in needs to be settled with violence Charlie...kick him on his left shin!

    • 238 friends
    • 17 reviews

    Charlie - call the city at this # they should be able to tell you if you can file a complaint with SDPD - Transportation Engineering at (619) 533-3126

    or email - sandiego.gov/parking

    • 238 friends
    • 17 reviews

    one more - PDF SD municipal code - docs.sandiego.gov/munico…

    • 41 friends
    • 87 reviews

    buy a junk car for $100, have it towed in front of their house, and never move it.  it will probably take about 4 weeks before the city will tow it, but it would be money well spent...

    • 238 friends
    • 17 reviews

    LOL good one Ryan!

    • 18 friends
    • 90 reviews

    I think it was customary long ago to leave the parking in front of a house to the owner but nowadays its just not practical.  It's not your fault that your neighborhood is more densely populated than it was when your neighbors house was built.  I sometimes get angry when someone parks in front of my house and I have to bring in groceries or something but I know better.

    • 958 friends
    • 400 reviews

    Follow up with your call to your landlord with a one paragraph letter noting the fact of today's date, that you have just verbally informed him of this and am following up in writing.

    • 958 friends
    • 400 reviews

    It's not your fault that your neighborhood is more densely populated than it was when your neighbors house was built.  
    Good point T.

    • 138 friends
    • 115 reviews

    Good for you Luma - I think you've done everything right.  I'm the same way - I'm very nice and reasonable, but everyone has a breaking point.  I admit I'm a bit passive aggressive myself.  If he tries harrassing you again, feel free to interupt him (because you've already heard his 20 point speech) with a slight wave of your hand, give him a big genuine smile, and say, "We do the best we can.  Thank you and have a nice day."  Turn on your heel and go on with your life (your life = parking in front of his property when there just is no other convenient parking nearby).  You'll feel like you're in control of the situation, and you haven't escalated the problem by giving him the message that you've had enough of his BS without poking the crazy in him.  

    But seriously...let your landlord know asap.

    • 73 friends
    • 44 reviews

    Faking a severely contorted facial tic and a bad case of Tourette's,
    while yelling something like...
    "driving me crazy, crazy driving machines!"
    toward the heavens, should keep him off your back.

    • 138 friends
    • 115 reviews

    Actually, that just might work and it sounds like a lot of fun, Tasty.  :)

    • 138 friends
    • 115 reviews

    Wow...they painted their curb red?!  Ahahaha...that's awesome.

    I'm a homeowner myself, but I find it interesting that other homeowners feel they're entitled to enforce - or break - rules at will just because they're paying a mortgage.

    • 73 friends
    • 44 reviews

    At least they didn't paint the curb blue on their own chutzpah.

    • 958 friends
    • 400 reviews

    Hahaha! It woulda been fun had you guys reported his curb painting to the city. Or better yet...had his car towed.

    • 3 friends
    • 0 reviews

    holly shit! I cant believe this thread. I almost look for this kind of BS. What happened to the charles bronsons of the world??? Obviously not geeking it up on yelp. Throw that shit right back in his face!!! or just shove a three fifty fucking seven  in his face and tell him to stfu or you'll blow his obdula oblongata into east county!

  5. I know people who live near Mesa College who painted their curbs red.  Just a little, so the students won't block their drive ways.  That's a big problem over there.

    Good luck, Charlie.  Your neighbor has some screws loose.  Sounds like he has too much time on his hands, so he finds stupid things to complain about.  Contacting your landlord is a good idea.  I hope he'll help you out.

    • 3 friends
    • 6 reviews

    This message is from the mean next door neighbor guy = Screw all you guys! Don't park in front of my pad! I watch Shaw Brother movies all day! Don't think I can't bust some 1970s Kung Fu out (and look good doing it too - - Drunken Master style)! In Santee, where I was done raised, we'd have it out like Thunder Dome: "Two men enter, one man leaves!" The moral of this story: your friends should ride the bus when they want to visit!

    • 2 friends
    • 0 reviews

    People are getting way to worked up over this.
    It really isn't THAT bad.

    • 958 friends
    • 400 reviews

    Luma = the neighbor?

    • 958 friends
    • 400 reviews

    Luma: I kid! I kid!

    • 73 friends
    • 44 reviews

    Anyone ever want to install beefy metal grates on the bumpers and flanks of your ride, so you could just sort of "nudge," those driving without your needs in mind, out of the way.

    • 149 friends
    • 31 reviews

    I think that all that needs to be said has already been said...

    I'd continue to park there and if they continue to complain then tell them to see what the tow company has to say about it.  Eventually, after the tow company tells them to stop wasting their time, they'll stop trying to do anything about it.

    I'd also suggest that you print out the SD City Municipal Code RE: Parking  docs.sandiego.gov/munico…  and keep a copy in each vehicle you have.  You may also want to give a copy to any other interested parties, your neighbor for instance.  Refer specifically to section 86.09.1 "Parking on Private Property - Prohibited".  As their property line ends at curbside, unless that curbside parking is specially designated by the city as an official zone of some sort (disabled, loading, no parking, etc.), then anybody can park there if they so wish as long as it's in accordance with the municipal code.  If they don't want someone parking there, then they need to keep a car parked there themselves otherwise it's open season...

    If they decide to "escalate", then calmly invite them to call the police there on a "preserve the peace" call and if they don't do it then YOU do it, right then and there.  Your neighbor knows that they're full of sh*t... and if the cops are able to make it out there on such a low-priority call, they'll ensure that your neighbor is officially informed that they are full of sh*t.  Be pleasant, be cooperative, stand your ground and document everything.  Temporary restraining orders to stop harassment are still free of charge and you may have to be the sacrificial lamb of the neighborhood that gets the parking Nazis to chill the Hell out.

    • 252 friends
    • 230 reviews

    YAY Dale! Best advice yet.

    • 958 friends
    • 400 reviews

    Wow Dale. great advice. If I weren't already one of your fans I'd become one right now!

    • 208 friends
    • 119 reviews

    We came home one night and some asshole was blocking the entrance to our driveway. We called a tow truck and they wouldn't move the car because it wasn't on private property. LAME, but good for you since even if your neighbours do try and tow you, they probably won't be able to.

    • J M.
    • San Diego, CA
    • 25 friends
    • 146 reviews

    Poop is good but, Expanding foam (the type you buy at Home Depot) in the tailpipe works even better.....If you are really fed up, spray some pepper spray on the front hood air intake on a moring when there is dew/moisture on the car (dew or moisture needs to be present so that it does not just evaporate)...the look on their face when they turn on the AC or Heater will be priceless.

    • 788 friends
    • 1572 reviews

    well, i have ot say that the evil side f me sides with Ryan.

    However, the adult side sides with all the good advice, including photos of your  car and the call to preserve the peace as well as informing landlord with a detailed yet succinct note.

    My sis owns her house and she is after almost 30 years of owning it living next to a neighbor who scared her from ever parking in front of his house ( or allowing guests) .. I don't know what happened.. she is a very peaceful type/

    • 29 friends
    • 46 reviews

    You and your roomies should chip in and buy the cheapest, shittiest car you can register and when that spot opens up just 'park' (read: permanently) the jalopy in the spot and leave it there.  This means you can't park there either, but that's the cost of doing business in the revenge game.

    • 27 friends
    • 56 reviews

    First come first served if your not blocking his driveway, on the other side if he doesn't park in front of your house when space is available maybe he could start doing it.

    I agree that you should at least talk to someone in city or pd just as a backup plan and get names.

    Good Luck.

    • 0 friends
    • 0 reviews

    My office is in a residential neighborhood and the neighbors on all sides of us act this same way.  They park their enormous bmw's on the street, don't move them for weeks but have the nerve to knock on the door whenever I steal their spots (which isn't often, since they never move their cars).  One of them has cobwebs growing on it, a sure indicator that it hasn't moved in some time.  I've called the parking authority more than once, but they obviously don't care.  I love these ritzy neighborhoods and their residents.  Must be nice to have a different set of rules to play by.

    • 149 friends
    • 151 reviews

    Obviously the legal answer is it's public parking for any legal vehicle.

    But I know some home owners that are very anal about this subject. One of my buddies has a tree in front of his house and one of his neighbors(4 houses away) likes to park there, even though there are plenty of spots by her own house. He asked her why she parked there and she told him because of the shade. So he put a bird seed feeder in "his" tree and let the fun begin. He car got plastered with bird crap and she stopped parking there.

    My view on it is be respectful. If there is a parking problem like at my house in normal heights, park where you can. But if your neighbor asks you nicely to leave his(not really, but you know what I mean) spot available, and you can still park somewhere else close, why wouldn't you?

    I used to live on Mt. Soledad and early one morning, someone was pounding on my door and yelling with profanity that they knew I was f'n home and to open the f'n door. I answered the door with a towel and a .357(hidden behind the door). My new neighbor who I hadn't met yet was a WWF looking bodybuilder in his wrestling tights screaming and cussing at me to move my car(my roommates POS with a flat tire). I told the guy "just a second, let me go put my gun away". He went silent as he saw me walking away half naked with a canon in my hand. I came back in shorts and a t-short to find him much calmer. He asked me what the gun was for and I told him he shouldn't wake people up like that and explained to him that being a loud musclehead would go against him if someone shot him on their property. He ended up being a nice guy and was just pissed that my roomies car had been in front of his house for more than a week. I couldn't blame him, but I taught him the proper way to knock on a neighbors door.

    Seriously, respest your neighbor, if you can. But otherwise I like what Anthony said about the flaming bag of crap.

    • 199 friends
    • 227 reviews

    If it's publi it's public..What are they gonna do to you? What could they do to you?
    Park wherever you want...

    • 149 friends
    • 151 reviews

    Eggs, slashed tires, broken windows, broken nose. That's just off the top of my mind. Anybody else?

    • 182 friends
    • 75 reviews

    I can't believe you have ever listened to these jackass Charlie. Listen to what J said -

    J "Violating the T.O.S." C. says:

    Park where ever you need to.  Try not to get into any confrontation about it.  If you do, stick with "it's a public street". Don't apologize for parking there (it only reinforces their conviction). If it escalates, vandalism etc., you sue.

    I would like to add to this though. If they keep being dicks about the situation and the confrontations continue - call the cops and have them explain what a public street is to your neighbor.

    • 293 friends
    • 178 reviews

    god you guys dont even want to know what i had to deal with.    i once owned a couple of acuras.... one of them i had to park in the street.... well it kept getting plastered with some brown shit,  i was wondering what the hell was going on.....  

    one day i was coming out of my house and i see a dinosaur looking, american tweeker pickup truck drive by and the dude holds his coffee mug out the window and right as he passes by,   he hurls his COFFEE all over my car

    I have no idea who the guy is.... he lives on part of the block that i never go to....  i research and i see th guy has like three american muscle cars and one piece of shit chevy pickup thats like 20 different colors.... his lawn is completely dead and brown, garage is filled with junk,  i really think he is some patriotic idiot who was hating that i have nothing but imports in front of my house?!?!?!?!?

    what the fuck is wrong with people.

    • 149 friends
    • 151 reviews

    C'mon Mike, tell us what you did to his muscle cars. Or at least PM me if you think word might get back to him. What a dick?

  6. I once had a neghbor who parked 7 of his crappy looking cars on the street ( including in front of my house ), and one day a friend of mine came over and parked in front of his house. I guess he got mad, and when my friend left he confronted him, big mistake, my friend used to play in the NFL,so they had some kind of altercation, but my friend is in law enforcement now, so he badged him and gave him some not so kind words of wisdom. Anyway, for the next few months this guy's cars were getting ticketed and towed when he didn't pay the tickets, after a while he moved out, and he would never look me i the eye again, after that day...
    your neighbor sounds like an asshole, that's too bad...I'm so happy I have cool neighbors now...

    • 225 friends
    • 47 reviews

    Haha, my estranged neighbor just came over and complained to me that I was parked under HIS tree, the only shady spot on the street.

    • 225 friends
    • 47 reviews

    I'm going to borrow that bird feeder trick when he leaves for work tomorrow.

    • 0 friends
    • 0 reviews

    Quit parking in front of their house you idiot!  If there is not room in front of your apartment contact your landlord.  He should provide parking if not move.  You are one of those inconsiderate jerks that thinks it is ok to park where ever you want.               I would like to reply to the asshole that thinks his gun is bigger than mine...  Come and get some!

    • 18 friends
    • 90 reviews

    Wow Jason is from the old school.  I can't wait to read his reviews!

    • 149 friends
    • 151 reviews

    Don't park in front of Jasens house. You'll get the business end of a .50.

    • 20 friends
    • 106 reviews

    04/02/2009 Ric "Executive Koala" B. says:

    Sounds like your neighbor is just territorial.
    I hope your neighbor doesn't take to pissing on your car... YikeS!!

    "Saying how us Renters aren't being fair to the Homeowners, and how we CHOSE to rent on a crowded street and complaining about how many cars we have."
    Your rent pays for EVERYTHING that the homeowners pay for! So fuck them with their self-righteous bullshit!!!!

    Someone in this thread also mentioned documenting the confrontations. This is the BEST idea~ if anything happens YOU are prepared with date/time records of every confrontation. You could get really carried away and include documentation of when their vehicle is in front of your house. Definitely don't let yourself get pulled into their insanity!!! Kill 'em with kindness~ at least until you gotta KILL 'EM!!

    • 2 friends
    • 29 reviews

    I stumbled on the original post because I was frustrated with the neighbors across the street who park their cars in front of my house (A foot into my driveway)  and who throw trash onto my yard.   The surrounding houses across and next to the offending neighbors all park some sort of vehicle in front of their house to block the  selfish neighbors from parking their huge cars.  The offending neighbors have a huge boat hogging up their own 2-car driveway which makes them  park their  3+ cars on the street.  The neighbors' wayward parking skills are especially bad on Friday and Saturday nights when they return in the middle of the night and park around 5 feet from the curb.   I finally started putting out my garbage bin one day of the week for trash day, and  the neighbors became livid even though I put the bin near the edge of my driveway which still allowed 25+ feet of parking space in front of my house (the neighbors do not want to maneuver the car).  As a result, I've noticed more gum wrappers, empty big gulp/slurpy cups, used kleenex, (even saw a bag with a receipt inside for a case of Red Bull and "Simulac") etc in my yard.     Ironically, the offending neighbors are in the realty business and do their best to maintain an image of a wealthy, perfect family (son's friend passed out on neighbor's lawn last year, etc).  Once the patriarch of the offending neighbor family asked if he could park in front of my house to which I replied, "Sure."    I guess he construed my yard as a new place to throw trash on.

    • 149 friends
    • 140 reviews

    Time to move, troll.

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