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    Or does Yelp look different today? The top part with the logo, in particular, just looks . . . redder, somehow.

    Lest you think I'm still drunk or something (I am not, unfortunately), I checked the screenshot I did of my last ROTD. What? I like them, don't pretend you don't like yours. static2.px.yelp.com/phot…

    There's a swirly thing in the logo that isn't there today. Has it been like this forever and I'm just now noticing, or is this new? Or are they coming to take me away?

    • 98 friends
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    Dammit, why do we think so alike, Kim?

    Your mom looks different today...

    • 257 friends
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    It is not all in your head child , but then, if you hear knocks on your door, i wouldn't answer it.

    • 142 friends
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    Yeah. I think your mom arranged it different today.

    The voices inside her head told her so.

    • 15 friends
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    I thought it was just me, too, but now that you mention it...

    The thing that disoriented me was the sizing of the search box.  I had typed in a search, and was like, "When did this suddenly become 14 point font?"

    Now I notice that the Yelp logo has changed... very subtle, but luckily we're all detectives and have worked together to... um... well, see some clues I guess.

    • 47 friends
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    "Dorothy Mantooth is a saint! You understand me? Dorothy Mantooth is a saint!"
    "Hey, leave the mothers out of this. It's unnecessary."

    • 86 friends
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    Good photographic memory. I recall noticing something different roughly 3 wks ago, but I didn't pick up on this specifically.

    • 197 friends
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    woooooaaaah tripping balls


    The search bar does look a little...Chrome-y...

  2. looks kind of lame - they should give their UI and graphic designers a good beating

    • 147 friends
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    wow Kimberly, so do you always get like 25 compliments?

    • 13 friends
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    Sassypants gets like 25 compliments an hour.

    • 55 friends
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    That font on the menu bar cannot be by design. Fancy it up!

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