Iceland volcano - test run of theory to stop global warming

in News & Politics

  1. Yep, the big Volcano in the news. . .pretty interesting, grounding all those flights in Europe. Sucko for all the people at LGA and JFK right now hoping to have a awesome spring break (or something)

    The Volcano may serve to cool down Europe a little bit. . though the eruption isn't quite big enough to really provide Global Warming protection.    

    1st point - Global Warming is here to stay.  Humans caused or escalated it doesn't matter.  The truth is, we don't have the will to really change our consumption habits. The things we are changing don't matter (oh wow, a prius. . .and eating local meat. yeah too little to late). For instance -  steak's carbon foot print is the life of that farting animal NOT the transportation to your plate.   No matter how much Vegans and the like want to spread their cause - no one is giving up their meat.  (though yeah, if the entire world went to either vegetarianism or Kangroo meat. ..we could put a big dent in global warming)

    2nd - we could fix it through something that is proven to work (Natural events proof)  putting . . I think it was sulfer. . .into the upper atmosphere.  You could great these big coal plants with long chimneys (ballon chimneys) into the upper atmosphere therefore "simulating" a volcanic eruption and bringing down world temperature.  This was part of Superfreakecomics

    To early to tell if this eruption will bring down the temperature a couple degrees, but it isn't to late to try and fix global warming with big chimneys. . .

    So if I was emperor I would definitely give the chimneys the college try (and allow people to sell their kidneys, another great idea I read about recently)

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    Read Superfreakonomics. According to the authors, there areplenty of ways we could cool the earth a bit without the help of volcanos. It would not address peak oil issues, though.

  2. "You could great these big coal plants with long chimneys (ballon chimneys) into the upper atmosphere therefore "simulating" a volcanic eruption and bringing down world temperature.  This was part of Superfreakecomics"


    Ummmm...... WTF???

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    Yeah. Increasing particulates in the upper atmosphere reflects some solar radiation, cooling the planet.

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