10 Facts About Oil and Gas... not the kind that comes out of your arse....

in Travel

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    With gas prices skyrocketing, public transit ridership is at an all time high. Instead of cutting back on public transportation services, we should be reforming our national transportation system to create more affordable travel options for the whole country.

    Check out our 10 Facts About Oil and Gas to learn more.

    96 Percent of the world's transportation energy currently supplied by oil.
    Cost of barrel of oil on July 18th, 2007.

    Cost of barrel of oil on July 18th, 2008.

    9.6 billion
    Number of fewer miles Americans drove in May 2008 compared to May 2007.

    10.3 billion
    Number of trips taken via the U.S. public transportation system in 2007, the highest in 50 years.

    Percent increase in price of diesel fuel paid by public transit agencies.

    Percent of America's public transit agencies that are cutting services due to budget constraints.

    Percent of population that has no access to public transit.

    Amount the average two-worker household saves annually by taking public transportation instead of driving a car.

    Year by which lifting the ban on offshore drilling may start to impact the price of gas

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    There are only 18 billion barrels of oil offshore.  Which is not even enough for 2 years at the current rate of consumption. Besides even in the event we managed to get more oil offshore it is likely the Saudi's will cut back their production.

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