1. Have you ever been dissed at church?  I mean when the "peace be with you and also you with you" moment takes place and the friendly gestures of a hand shake takes place, a person leaves you hanging? Your hand just out there waiting to be acknowledged?  I think that is the ultimate dis.  Am I sensitivo or was this the ultimate?

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    There's not a single part of this post that I can relate to.  Jews don't touch.

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    the ultimate dis is telling someone you love them and they reply 'thank you.'
    a badly timed 'peace be with you' is different.

  2. That's awesome:)

  3. Lauren, wow. Thanks.  I needed a reality check.

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    Orthodox, conservative or reform?

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    You know that many jews and you still can't spot hyperbole (and sarcasm)?  Yowch.

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    Well, I didn't get dissed at church but did have this crazy women behave like she's sitting on the 7 train during a service.  

    I go to Redeemer on the east side.  They rent out the Hunter College auditorium which has cramped seats.  I was sitting between a 6' tall guy, who took a bit of space, and her.  She proceeded to push my arm off the arm rest.  She then got pissed and then turned sideways and rammed her back on to the seat to show that she was pissed.

    This goes to show that there are crazys and assholes everywhere and in every age group.  This woman must have been over 50 years old acting like this.

  4. Gigi, I agree. Lauren's dis is way worse.  However, the dis in my case was intentional; sad and intentional.  I just wanted to see if has ever happened to anyone else IN CHURCH.

    I did get into a situation when I was a youngin in business when I extended my hand to a Hasidim and he just looked at me and carried on the conversation.  I learned that religious Jews don't touch in that instance.  But, that is different. It is his religion and I respect that.  Being a jerk in church?  That's just wrong on so many levels.

  5. Dorim, You are hilarious.  I can cite so many instances where I come into contact with freaks.  Whether on the line at the supermarket or driving on the road.  People are just wacked.

    What I LOVE to hear on this site is the vast amount of experiences we all have and it kind of puts your experience into perspective.  Good or bad, it kind of helps.

  6. Gigi, You're right,  I realize that.  Shame on her.   We talk about forgiveness- So, I pray for that woman.  What ever prejuidice she has in her heart, that she can overcome it and become a better person someday.  

    I'm not perfect either, a work in progress.  Hey, my honey told me he loves me today.  THAT is what really matters!

  7. Gigi, Thanks.  You're sweet too!  As I always say "I try to be the person my dog thinks I am!"

    I guess this is the world, deal with it RIGHT?

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    jewish atheist. i don't even know what a church is. seriously - when my kid asked me i told him it was a place where people tell each other stories.

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    janine...it's called forgiveness.

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    more disses i can think of:

    overhearing a parent say "i didn't ask to have her!"

    or showing your dad your report card and having him request you put it in the bathroom to be used as toilet paper instead, then demand you get an IQ test. as a 4th grader.

  8. Matthew, exactly.  I know it well.

    Laureen, OMG.  I get a sick feeling in my stomach.  I know of this pain but certainly not to this extent. Geez.

    Here's a question, if you're an atheist-do you pick a religion? Jewish, Catholic, Muslim?  I thought an atheist was neutral?

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    Being is atheist means you don't have or want any religion. You don't believe in God, heaven, hell, etc.
    And the ultimate disses I named are amusing to me now.

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    janine... i think your atheist question was pointred at me, because u got confused by my saying jewish atheist.

    jew, as ive said many times before, has 2 meanings - one is the name of a religion, like catholic or hindu, the other is a cultural designation, like italian or indian. i wish there were 2 words, because the confusion it causes and the assumptions people make affect me somewhat.

    when i say jewish i mean culturally/ethnically  i have no religion.

    lauren - on teh oterh side my dad had the funniest answer when i said (as most kids do at some point) i didn't ask to be born - he said " well, if you had asked...... "

    • 19 friends
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    Janine, if you are referring to matthew's comment about being a "jewish atheist" then I believe he is saying that he is jewish culturally and atheist religiously. I could be wrong.

    Also, church people can be harsh. I had a woman "accidentally" slap me when she caught the holy ghost in some church, it was my first time attended. It took every fiber of my being not to pretend I had caught the holy ghost as well and beat her ass down. Good thing my cousin prevented me from doing it. I might have felt bad today....I mean, back then.

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    I'm too late. Matthew explained it.

  9. Yes, I get it now.  I always thought that Jewish was a religion.  Not an ethnicity.  So if you are Jewish ethnically, what does that mean exactly.  Where do your origiante?  ie. Italians=Italy, Irish=Ireland.  Jewish=Isreal?

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    I dont know who gives this type of idea a safehaven.  Jewish as a ethnicity is the stupidest thing I've ever heard.

  10. Nikki, those disses are amusing NOW because you have grown and learned from your experience. But isn't there a small part of you that is angry still?  

    Here's a dis that I think still angers me to this day.  On Christmas eve we are all opening our gifts, me, my two sisters and brother.  Sister #1 opens her box, its a nice pair of black boots!  Sister #2 , opens her box.  Voila! A nice pear of red boots! Me, sister #3, a pair of patchy  puke green boots.  Yes, the patches were variations of the ugliest green on the earth.  

    It was a Christmas to remember.  Do I sound ungrateful. Perhaps...

    • 19 friends
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    Umm...I wouldn't go back to that church because I know that I'd probably still recognize her.

    With your situation, I probably would've opened the gift up before Christmas (yes, I used to do it). If I didn't like what I saw, I would switch the wrapping with one of my sister's gifts. When Christmas Eve hits, you open up your package (your sister's package) first and say "Wow, Red/Black boots, just what I wanted! Thanks______". It only fails to work when you two don't wear the same size. I feel for your situation though. Did they think you were fond of the color green? Ungrateful...no. Money is better than a gift wasted by disuse.

  11. I think that it goes deeper -  I really think it was hurtfull.  That is why I said that earlier about feeling your pain.  As for your idea, I would never do it only because anytime I did anything off, I got caught!  It is a brilliant thought though!

    It's ok. Now I have boots of every color and style.  My favorites are LV.  I wear them, and smile.

  12. Oh, wait.  That was Lauren's pain...sorry for the confusion.  Late night.

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    Janine, you're a doll, I tend to think you're my older sister with a fake account spying on me, but I am pain free. Swearsz to god.

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    joe - then you're just being ignorant. there are many secular jews. that would not be possible if it was not a tribal/ethnic designation and was only a religious one. a long time ago tribes and belief systems were isomorphic. thus one name for 2 things. you are just simply wrong on this one. And no one mentioned anything about safe havens. (maybe this attitude has some bearing on your dating question)

    janine - israel, but not modern israel. the hebrew state of biblical times, since geographically dispersed.

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    Joe: I haven't set foot in a synagogue in 8 years, but in 1939 German that wouldn't have made a damn bit of difference.  Judaism is an ethnicity not because I say it is, but because the world does.

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    clipped from wiki - of particular importance is the dna evidence - a religious group, as opposed to a tribal ethnic one would have a more diverse gene pool -
    Who is a Jew?
    Judaism shares some of the characteristics of a nation, an ethnicity, a religion, and a culture, making the definition of who is a Jew vary slightly depending on whether a religious or national approach to identity is used. Generally, in modern secular usage, Jews include three groups: people who were born to a Jewish family regardless of whether or not they follow the religion, those who have some Jewish ancestral background or lineage (sometimes including those who do not have strictly matrilineal descent), and people without any Jewish ancestral background or lineage who have formally converted to Judaism and therefore are followers of the religion....
    DNA evidence
    A study published by the National Academy of Sciences found that "the paternal gene pools of Jewish communities from Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East descended from a common Middle Eastern ancestral population", and suggested that "most Jewish communities have remained relatively isolated from neighboring non-Jewish communities during and after the Diaspora". Researchers expressed surprise at the remarkable genetic uniformity they found among modern Jews, no matter where the diaspora has become dispersed around the world. The DNA tests demonstrated substantially less inter-marriage among Jews over the last 3,000 years than found in other populations....
    Another of the study's findings is that by the yardstick of the Y chromosome, the world's Jewish communities are closely related to Syrians and Palestinians. The study's authors wrote that "the extremely close affinity of Jewish and non-Jewish Middle Eastern populations observed ... supports the hypothesis of a common Middle Eastern origin",as does the mitochondrial DNA of at least 40% of the current Ashkenazi population.

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    matthew - no, there is no correlation between this thread and my females aking men out on dates thread.  my attitude on this is not backed by history.  although, if you could point me in the direction where you response is backed by fact, i would love to gain more knowledge.  the fact that there are tribal/ethnic jewish people who are secular throughout history does not stand as proof of the statement that judaism is anything more than a religion, which in historical precedents set by ancient tribes are just regurgitated stories.  I can admit when I am wrong, but first I must be proved so.  And sir, I am the farthest thing from ignorant.  If what I said evokes anger I apologize, I just have yet to hear of a jewish person that was not also Italian, Israeli, etc.  .

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    I stand corrected by the all-knowing wikipedia.  no sarcasm.

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    read my post above. pay attention to the dna evidence. get back to me.

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    DNA evidence is something I cannot argue against.  Touche

    • 253 friends
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    now you need to pick a new stupidest thing you've ever heard. hope its a lot stupider than that

    • 5 friends
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    I will be sure to inform you as to what I pick momentarily

  13. Sometimes when a girl tells me she loves me, I answer, "Peace be with you."

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    I usually say 'I love you too Mom.'

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    Been dissed on Yelp, but never while worshiping.

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    @Lauren: "overhearing a parent say 'i didn't ask to have her!' or showing your dad your report card and having him request you put it in the bathroom to be used as toilet paper instead, then demand you get an IQ test. as a 4th grader."

    really? damn  


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    thanks, but that's one of my funniest stories! i don't share emo shit on talk threads. lighten up people.

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    No, but I once dissed a person during the "peace be with you" part of mass before. I was sitting one pew behind the filthiest, smelliest, most septic bum I'd ever had the displeasure to experience. When that part of mass came up, as he turned around to me, before he could even extend his hand to me to shake it, I just waved at him and said "Peace be with you!" like we were to far away to shake hands.

    I felt bad (and still do, really) but I mean that guy really put the P.U. into the pew! I didn't want to touch him and I'll even eat food that's fallen onto the floor! I'm a bad Christian :-(

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    I hi-five the person next me after "peace be with you"

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    Steve, I think you are a bad Christian, what if this was you 20 years down the line, think ahead man.

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    I'd certainly be more considerate than to impose my stench and filth on my fellow Christians Sami, I can tell you that!

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