birds /photo show closing reception


Join me at the closing reception of 'Birds' photo series at Arkay Workshop. We'll be providing snacks and drinks as well as the opportunity to get in some shopping during the extended store hours!

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The series is inspired by a girl who loves birds. I met her at a bar in San Francisco, just before leaving for India.

The photos were taken in New Delhi in March 2009, very close to the house I lived in for almost 15 years before moving to the US. They are black and white, with shades of gray. Life is like that. The photographs represent moments in our life that have passed, are present, or that we dream of happening sometime in the future. The birds are us, our family and our community, living life. Time passes by. You're the observer, observing your life through them.

Take a moment to pause at each photo. Reflect on moments in your life they bring to mind, as well as the emotions those moments evoke.


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